So when is it OK to recycle old content for marketing purposes? Is it even OK to do this?
YES!!!! Resoundingly YES!!!! Just not every other week. Create content of your own occasionally to show others that you are a thriving and forward thinking entrepreneur that can come up with new ideas on your own too, instead of only recycling.
Give New Life to Old Data. Maybe your marketing budget is small or non-existent. Maybe you simply just cannot afford professional content writers to whip up new content for your blog or social media posts. Whatever your reason, whether it’s due to budget or writers block, instead of making something new, breathe new life into something that already exists on the web. There are a ton of data studies and stats available on the internet regarding a wide range of topics from any industry.
Do an internet search for a study within your own business and revise it. Certainly DO NOT STEAL it, but craft it to be part of your story and make it relatable to your readers and customers.
Highlight the Most Important or Interesting Parts of the Study, add images (preferably your own,) crank out some charts, and make your own thoughts and predictions based on the data. Always be aware of copyright infringements though. You should also cite your sources when necessary.
But I’m Not a Writer!
No worries! You don’t have to have a degree in writing for this strategy! The data will do most of the heavy lifting for you – a content success story! Again, just be sure to cite your sources and give proper credit. Have a friend, colleague, or family member do a proofread to make sure everything looks and sounds as professional as possible, then share it with the world!
That’s our piece of free advice this week on the 77 blog. As always, feel free to contact us for a free marketing analysis, or any help in making your business better through marketing!
Analyze. Create. Achieve.