Keeping your business alive during this crisis is undoubtedly on the top of many people’s minds. Needless to say, we are in uncharted territory with regards to everything going on today in our society. The Corona/Covid-19 situation and the stress of the times is starting to weigh on everyone.
First of all, we believe that the health and safety of our community is the number one priority. However, we also have hope that sooner than later our lives will return to something they resembled in the past. Nothing lasts forever. Our kids will return to school. Businesses and organizations will return to their offices. Commerce and the economy will begin to flourish again. Life will return to something that resembles what we had before Covid-19. Sounds like the speech given by Bane in the movie Dark Knight Rises, but true.
Open For Business!
77 Design Co. is open for business. Saving businesses online one day at a time! We’re not going to quit the fight. Unless, every business in the world ends, we’ll be here, and we will continue the fight for your success!
The advantage to a business model like that of 77 Design Co, is that we are nimble and able to adapt quickly. Double 7’s can function at 100% as a virtual business. We’ll utilize the very technologies we help to create for our clients. Our goal is to continue to brand and market your business or organization during these unprecedented times. In some cases, with current clients, they are FLOURISHING! Big time!

It’s understandable that the economy is going to suffer for a period of time, however, we highly recommend that your marketing efforts do not stop. Believe what you will, but now is the time to act. Time to double down on your efforts. The market may be soft because of this pandemic, but once doctors, scientists, and medical professionals get this outbreak under control the market will rebound. It will rebound in a BIG way! Once the pandemic is over customers will be back out buying like never before. Don’t be left behind. Come out on top.
What Can You Do?

Your customers are counting on you to be there at the end of this. For example, think about adding to or creating new elements for:
* Social media marketing
* Email Marketing
* SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Blogging
* Remote blog or social media training for your staff.
* Updating or creating a website
* Direct Mail Marketing
* Radio Advertising
* Digital Marketing / Google ads.
Further, you can view ALL of our services here:
Adapt and change with the market BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOUR CUSTOMER NEEDS. Our community is all in this together. Above all, please don’t give up on yourself or your business and throw in the towel.
Don’t say there isn’t any opportunity in a down market. Refuse to say “no one needs what I’m selling, or I can’t sell what I have.” We’re all going to take hits during this crisis, but take a minute and think through your business, your verticals, and your products.
Where will your business be at the end of this pandemic?
What can you diversify with your products and services?
Where can you create a new product line?
Can you create a new avenue of marketing or drive demand for your product and a new line of revenue?
In addition, this Ad Exchanger link discusses more. Here is an important excerpt from the article, “Sales will be lower all around during an economic downturn, but the advertising you do today will help you over the next year, the next five years and beyond,” Wieser said. “This is actually a good time to build trust.”
Nothing Comes Easy
While it won’t be easy, it’s certainly possible to succeed in a slumping economy. We’re here to help and answer any questions you may have. For instance, let’s work together to develop strategies to help you navigate these uncharted waters.
77 Design Co. is committed to helping small business succeed, keep their doors open, and keep roofs over their family’s heads. Keeping your business alive during this mess is crucial.
We have been, and will continue to work for, local businesses at reduced rates, commission rates, or in some cases free of charge until this ends. The top priority at 77 Design Co is to see as many businesses through these tough times as possible. Once again, keeping your business alive is the only thing we want for you. In conclusion, if we all work together, we will survive!

Analyze. Create. Achieve.