Marketing Myths-Volume Three

Marketing myths-volume three covers an important topic. The type of content in marketing. Above all, first we’d like to say, Happy New Years! Before we touch on the details of marketing myths-volume three, a new year brings new optimism. It also brings new challenges. There’s an unexplored road in front of all of us. Make the best of your situation in 2022!

marketing Myths-Volume Three. Happy New Year with a 77 Design Co business card on a pattern orange background.
Too Long.

By and large one of the most common issues we run into is making content too long. Sure, we get it, you want to tell customers ALL about your business. One myth is that you have to tell the full story. Not true though. Often times marketing is much more effective when simplified. We work together with clients to shorten the message. This makes the content more impactful.

Instead of creating posts, billboards, or web content explaining all kinds of details about your service or product, try narrowing it down. For instance, we like to advise clients on keeping things short and to the point. So, don’t think that you have to explain everything right out of the gate. Giving customers just enough but not too much will create an interest. This in return creates calls, email, and messages for you to interact with potential customers.


Don’t confuse customers or potential customers. It’s a turn off. Using industry specific acronyms in marketing can hurt the message. These will often create confusion. Unless it is about something obvious and well known, we advise against using them in marketing messaging.

Additionally, keep the sales you run clear and concise. For example, do not try to stuff several sale items into one mixed marketing message package. That is of course if the items can be separated.


Oh boy! Another myth is, “we don’t really need any photography/video.” We have discussed these at great lengths over the years. One of the most powerful elements of marketing is the creative visuals. We’d love to hear the argument against this. There isn’t one.

Want the message to stand out? Make it look brilliant! Clean, clear, highly detailed, colorful, or even humorous pics, videos, and designs will get the job done. It sends a message that your business utilizes creativity and imagination in its marketing. This is a point often overlooked. This makes you stand out from other boring marketing. Read more here from the great Neil Patel :

Anything else you’d add to Marketing Myths-Volume Three? Need a hand formulating a 2022 marketing game plan that works? Hit us up for a free consultation:

Marketing Myths-Volume Three. 77Design Co logo and business cards.
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