“If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.”
-David Oglivy
Hi, I’m Holly Saville, from New Alexandria, PA. I have over 15 years of experience in the sales & marketing business. My initial love and passion was to have my own successful small business(s) while also starting a family and being able to work my own schedule around them. After finding out that I couldn’t just be “mom” of 2 children, and having the work ethic to achieve more, I began to dive into my dream and opened up a small Massage & Wellness Institute for 6 years. After time had passed along with my business, and trying to balance the work and home life, I closed those doors years ago and I’m now a mom of 5 great kids, (3 girls and twin boys) ranging from middle school to kindergarten.
As an entrepreneur, I now run different businesses. Two small businesses to be exact. Both are managed out of my home, while still juggling the children’s schedules. I’m also very involved in my church as the kids/family coordinator at Bridge City Church in Murrysville. As a young mom at first my hobby became a means to earn extra income for my family years ago. Currently, I now run a small yet thriving custom cake business out of my house and take select orders. I’ve also worked in global sales during the open cracks of my day from my phone.
In my spare time when I am not working or being a full-time mom and wife, I still love to play volleyball and spend time with family and friends. I also love to serve others in my church.
My work ethic and desire to help people achieve their goals has never changed. With that said being said, I have teamed up with 77 Design to help them expand and help the companies that they work with grow and do the same. I can say without a doubt that their clients are of the most importance to them and I’ll put my best foot forward as well to help.
I’m now a part of the 77 Design Co team assisting them in administrative duties, social media marketing and sales. I believe I provide efficient and quality service in everything that I do. I’ll also pay great attention to detail and put a lot of my heart into anything that I work on. I look forward to serving the 77 team and their customers to the best of my abilities. I feel that I’m a great addition to 77 Design Co because although I’m a hard worker, I also like to have fun, love to laugh (which the 77 guys also love to do,) ENJOY the work, and I’m easy to work with. I have a great attitude and outlook on life, am easily coachable, but also have a strong work ethic and an easy-going personality. I’m excited to get started and help others properly market their small business to watch them grow!
“Always deliver more than expected.” — Larry Page, co-founder of Google
Analyze. Create. Achieve.