Interview-Straight-Up Bar Consulting. Dee Bertison is the owner of Straight-Up Bar Consulting, LLC located in Johnstown, PA. She has owned Straight-Up for roughly six months. She received licensing at the end of September in 2019.

In the same vein as many other businesses, these COVID-19 closures have greatly impacted her business. Certainly, bars and restaurants can benefit tremendously from her services and expertise once they all reopen. Most importantly, these establishments will need new ways to attract and retain customers upon reopening. Let’s hear what Dee has to say in this Interview-Straight-Up Bar Consulting.
Question 1:
77 Design Co: What is Straight-Up Bar Consulting? Tell us a few things you do.
Dee Bertison: So, I’d start with expert bar consulting. However, I also offer industry training, bar solutions, hospitality training, and beverage programs.
Question 2:
77: What’s your experience in the bar and restaurant industry?
DB: In short, I have twenty-five years of experience in the industry. I’ve seen a lot in that time. I’m an innovator in drink menus. Also, I can manage employees, customers, and spirits.

Question 3:
77: So, very much like the show Bar Rescue. Likewise, where do you draw the lines though from what they do on the show versus what you do?
DB: <laughs> So, first off I don’t yell at people! I’m a pretty nice person, I think.
Unfortunately though, I don’t do complete full bar makeovers. I love John Taffer’s program. He manages well. However, he also has a full staff behind him. I don’t have that full staff to handle complete renovations, manage demographics, traffic, and everything else.

Question 4:
77: Who would you like to meet? In other words, who’s the best connections for your business?
DB: Above all, bar owners. However, I would also like to meet bartenders and managers that make the decisions. They can connect me to the bar owner too.
Question 5:
77: Obviously with the COVID closures of bars, this means 0 work (or at least, minimal.) What can bar owners plan to do ahead of openings?
DB: I think right now, a deep cleaning. For instance, cleaning areas that may be overlooked during busy times. Secondly, I think construction and repairs should be done now too. Some of these get neglected during normal business operations. Bars can also be planning menus and events right now.
Question 6:
77: We try to keep things fun and positive. Tell us the craziest bar story. However, try to keep it PG-13 if possible.
DB: Oh my God! <laughs> I’m not sure I can answer this! Almost all the stories are not PG-13. I’ll just give one that I know isn’t too bad.
So, one night there was a line at the mens restroom. It was a busy night. While in line, one patron was becoming impatient and just punched the guy in front of him so he could use the restroom next. Knocked him out! He then took his place and just used the restroom.
As a result afterwards the guy bought the guy that he punched a drink. They talked and had a drink together. He wasn’t a complete jerk in the end.
Question 7:
77: Your favorite drink?
DB: I love Ketel One Vodka with water and a lemon. Or, I do like a good Lemon Drop too. Pretty simple.

77: Anything you’d like to add?
DB: I’ll end with our tagline, “Stay in Good Spirits!”
A word from 77:
We met Dee at a SCORE workshop several months ago. 77 liked her business model thought it was a great idea, and even more so now with bars and restaurants closed to patrons. These businesses will need all the help they can get. Upon returning to normalcy, Straight-Up Bar Consulting will be able to help provide new ideas and new beverages to these locations. This can essentially give customers a product and service they hadn’t had prior to this COVID situation. Thanks to Dee for the, Interview-Straight-Up Bar Consulting. Check out more about Straight-Up here:
77 Design Co. is committed to helping small business succeed. We want to keep their doors open, and keep roofs over their family’s heads. Keeping your business alive during this mess is crucial.
Finally, contact us if you own a business, or know of a business owner that needs marketing help. We are volunteering work at heavily discounted rates (or in some instances free) to keep business stable in our county and local area. Any way we can help, we will.
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