Tips for Small Business Marketing

Hello and welcome,

Email Marketing Girl:

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They always say marketing is the first to go when companies are downsizing and trying to save some money. Let me tell you, I highly disagree with this. Marketing is what brings in the money, if it’s done with specific intent and creativity.

If you aren’t marketing yourself or your company, you’re being dormant. You should always be moving and trying new things in the marketing realm in order for your company to grow and profit. You may even find customers in alternative places. Trying a new tactic can prove profitable.

Look for outlets that your competition isn’t marketing. An example may be a construction company that uses Instagram. Perhaps, the competition in your area is not utilizing this, and customers may want to see what’s new and innovative in the world of deck building. You are building customized decks…now show them!

I love how many avenues (find a different word maybe?) of marketing there are. There’s social media, design, email, paid search, analytics, traditional, text, search engine, and more. Whatever you choose to pursue, you’re still under the marketing umbrella and working towards a common goal. Whatever your heart desires, market your business in a niche way.

Jessica fishing photo.

Personally, I love marketing! It’s fun! There is so much that goes into it, however it is often undervalued.

Every business needs clients. Marketing is what gets you clients, which makes it a necessity. Marketing is like the fun wild child of the business world. People who work in marketing typically aren’t the super professional white collar people. They are creative down to earth “normal” people. Marketing has only a few rules which I think is awesome! You can do whatever the hell you want to help the business get more people in the door and attract attention to it.

There are also very few limits to marketing. It can range from old school newspaper adds, radio, or yellow pages all the way to digital marketing and social media.

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Intro Blog-Jessica

Hello there!
My name is Jessica Cochran and I am 77 Design Co’s newest sales intern. I study
Marketing and Finance with a minor in Biomedical Science at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (I know it’s a mouth full).
Jessica portrait.
Jessica Cochran. 77 Design Co sales intern.
Why Marketing?
Marketing always caught my attention because of the creative, yet crucial role, it has on a business. Part of the American dream is starting a business and building that business into a success. I believe there is something special in helping business owners reach their dreams, which in return helps their families. It also helps the local economy, and likewise, our society.
Marketing is a team sport. When the business is successful
the client is successful. I plan on bringing my passion of creative marketing and work ethic to 77 Design Co. We want to help business owners reach their highest potential!
About me:
I love to be busy every single day! I’m a student athlete on IUP’s swim team and recently became a NCAA division II Scholar All-American. Waking up at 5am every day has finally paid off! With athletics being a huge part of my life it makes me a very competitive individual.
Jessica IUP swim team photo.
Jessica IUP swim team photo. NCAA division II Scholar All-American.
I also have a soft spot for golden retrievers. I’m basically a blonde sorority girl while being a nerd at the same time… yes very legally blonde-ish. Other things I enjoy are drawing and listening to Taylor Swift in my free time. Yes, I’ve seen her 9 times in concert! White wine is my new favorite thing to drink with my sorority sisters and family. Even more, on top of that I enjoy being outside and working on my grandmother’s farm. So I guess I’m just your average athlete-sorority girl-farmer??
Jessica rock climbing photo.
Jessica rock climbing.
However, even though these are all things I enjoy in life, my absolute favorite is simply talking to people. I’ll talk to everyone from CEO’s to the company’s janitor. Everyone has different backgrounds and stories that shape them into the person they are today. Certainly, it’s interesting to hear how someone got started in their field too. I’m excited to reach out and learn about as many small business owners as possible while being a member of the 77 Design Co team!
Jessica fishing photo.
Jessica makes a friend while fishing. An outdoorsy “average athlete-sorority girl-farmer.”
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Some Email Stats-Happy 4th!

Happy (soon) 4th of July!

Some Stats
Did you know 42% of emails are opened on mobile devices? And did you know in the United States, the best open rates are around 9am-12pm? What about 61% of emails are being read for more than 8 seconds.
Maybe you did. Then congrats. If not, maybe we should start an email marketing plan for you. You don’t want to waste time and resources on sending an email that you aren’t sending smart and continuously analyzing to get better results.
email button
Web mail computer keyboard button for business contact concept. Email envelope icon key in blue color.

Want to start with a newsletter? I got you.

So is around 8 seconds enough to read a whole newsletter? Probably not. Meanwhile, what we suggest is CTA. Call to Action. Whether you want to tell them about a new product or service, an event happening, or tell them someone got a promotion in your company, etc, you should have a 2-3 sentence blurb of content. Then, a CTA that has Read More or Learn More, will go to a landing page on your website. First, that gets a great click through rate on your email metrics (yay analytics!) AND it is bringing traction to your website. Moreover, they are already on your website, so why not do a little surfing on your page? Maybe they learn a little more about a new service. Do people still call it surfing?
Newsletters are great because you can bring so much content to one space. I will say newsletters may not be the best revenue generating email (we can create those for you,) but it consistently creates a conversation between you and the customer. You will be top of mind for people and that will result in something good.
After a few rounds of emails getting sent, you need to do some analysis. Are your customers opening up on mobile devices or desktops? At what time? Therefore, depending on these answers, your email marketing strategy needs to change continuously based on trends as well.
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-Email Marketing Girl
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Email Marketing Girl Dancing

Learn About Click Through with Email Marketing Girl

Hello world, Email Marketing Girl here again.
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Click Through
Want a better click through rate?
Let’s start by understanding what a click through rate really is. Sounds simple, right? It is!
Don’t let marketing metrics scare you. A click through rate is just a percentage of customers who open up the email and actually click on a link. There, click THROUGH.
As of March 2019 ( Constant Contact), the overall industry average click through is 7.43%. The open rate is 16.74%. This all makes sense. Email metrics are just a funnel. Starting with a big number of people. Not everyone will open. Not everyone who opens will click. And not everyone who clicks will buy.
However, the better content you have, the better open rates, the better click rates, and so on. This is common for most marketing strategies also. Not everything will work immediately because it takes time. For instance, as we’ve stated before, any marketing is like a slow drip. It takes a little time to build up to your successful goal.
So let’s think, who are your customers and what content do they want to see come through their email? You don’t want to send the same email content to person A that likes outdoors and hiking as person B that likes shopping and going to the spa. Some of that content should be targeted to their wants and needs. Customize, baby, customize! Therefore, the more targeted, the more the person feels you understand them.  In short, know what they want so it becomes a 1:1 conversation with them and the brand.
Want to know more about email marketing metrics? Want a better click through? Call us!
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Introducing-Email Marketing Girl!

New chick in the office? Yep, that’s me.

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If I had three things in my apartment that best describes me, it would be: wine, my dog, and lots of workout clothes that, you guessed it, I don’t actually use to work out in.

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More random thoughts about me. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket. Secondly, I have 8 weddings to go to this 2019 year. Of course, I want another dog. Slow drivers are annoying. Therefore, I don’t like slow walkers either. I’d love to travel to every state in the US. Crab legs rock! Was that random enough for you?

I Like It!

And I’ll tell you this… I love marketing and I’m deeply involved in email marketing. That’s what led me to 77 Design Co. I’m working with them on the digital messaging side of things. They pay me in wine and a paycheck of course…. great gig we got! It’s pretty neat how well we all click. Rob likes wine. I like wine. Bobby likes baseball. I like baseball. And we all love marketing and what we do. We have fun doing it! Imagine that.

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I’m sure everyone gets certain emails they signed up for and some ask, why on earth did this get sent to me? We have all been there. Consequently, that’s the fun of email marketing! For instance, let’s create content that is targeted to YOU as an individual. Nothing boring and canned. What are your wants and interests? Let’s send you a different email than the receptionist at your doctor. Or, maybe you guys are in the same segment? I guess we will find out!

Email Marketing

So who has ever gotten a 50% off email pop up in your inbox before? Have you clicked it? Or did you delete it right away?

50% off is pretty awesome I would have to say! Heck, that may entice me to click through and do a little shopping. But what if there isn’t a sale…. is there anything in it for you?

For example, let’s say the last thing on this retailers’ website you were looking at were shoes but you didn’t buy them. Cool, everyone can use an extra pair of shoes am I right? Well, I think I am right… I like shoes. ****day dreaming about those cute flips flops I was looking at three days ago… **** Sidetracked… Anyway, you get an email a week later WITH THE SAME PAIR OF SHOES YOU WERE LOOKING AT BEFORE front and center of the email. MAGIC? Or Email Marketing?

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What’s Possible?

Email marketing is a universe where anything is possible. Yes, you can track cookies on your website. If you don’t know what cookies are, they are in the junk food aisle at Giant Eagle…. bad joke? OK… Cookies are data that can be traced, and they leave “crumbs” based on your browser activity. WE ARE WATCHING YOU. Weird, I know. However, if it’s a business trying to sell something, it can really help profit. Business baby. Business.

So as I was saying, you can do a lot with email marketing. That is to say, someone signs up for a newsletter, bam! They get a welcome email, “Thanks for signing up, here’s a little bit about what we will be sending you.” How about when you make a purchase on a website? “Here is your order info, thanks for your purchase! We hope you enjoy it!” What about a few weeks later, getting an email, “How did you like your purchase, can you leave a review on our website?” Then I go back to my initial thought about shoes. If I “abandon” my cart and not buy, the retailer can send me an email saying, “Don’t forget about those shoes girl, you know you want them.” Dangit, how did they know? I really do want them! MAGIC. SOLD.


It can be fun being on the customer side of some creative email messages because you are receiving content you WANT to receive. Above all, it can also be exhilarating being on the creative side trying to get your customers to buy, or whatever need be. You can send anything, almost anything, in an email. “Share this post of ours. Write a review of our business. We are hosting an event near you. Since you bought this, you may like this.” And many more.

I can go on and on about best practices of email marketing and how you can automate your processes so you don’t have to put many hours into it. Certainly, we can dive deeper into all aspects of email marketing, however, I have some tacos in front of me right now that look really good so I’ll save that for future blog posts.

What would you email your customers? What email are you looking for that you haven’t received from a retailer or business? Do you like tacos?

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– Email marketing girl

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a time of reflection. A time that we all remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for us.

Despite the divisive political views in our country, Memorial Day serves as a day of coming together. Take a few moments this Memorial Day to pray for, or acknowledge (however you want) the men and women who currently serve and those that lost their lives or suffered tragic injuries, protecting our freedoms. Our world would most certainly would be a different place without them.

US Flag and 77 Design Co logo.

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