Customer Retention, Loyalty, and Win-Back With Direct Mail

As a business owner, you probably spend a lot of time and effort searching for ways to acquire new customers. But there’s actually more value in focusing on the customers you already have.

Knowing this, it’s vital to focus your marketing efforts on reaching these customers. Direct mail can help you do just that-retain existing customers, inspire their loyalty and even win back the ones you’ve lost.

Direct Mail Campaign for TAG Development franchisee of Subway and Auntie Anne’s in Greensburg, PA.

Retaining Customers with Direct Mail

Retention is a good starting point for a direct mail campaign. Repeat business both drives incremental purchasing and spurs more recommendations to others from these frequent customers. Not to mention, it costs less to retain customers than it does to acquire new ones.

Imagine you own an outdoor-gear store. Your customers like to go on adventures, so use direct mail to remind them of the fun they’ve had while using your products.

35%Targeting customers who have purchased from your business in the past can boost sales up to 35 percent.1

In this case, it might be helpful to appeal to their senses with beautiful outdoor imagery to recapture the sense of accomplishment they might have felt in association with your business.

Chances are, you already have some information about your customer. The key to creating mail that drives your customers to buy again is knowing your audience and providing information about the products or services they care about. If a customer has purchased cycling gear in the past, you probably want to show them the best you have to offer in cycling apparel or bikes, rather than, let’s say, winter jackets and snowboards.

In order to retain customers, make sure your direct mail is targeted, has a time-sensitive offer and a strong call to action. This will strengthen your brand connection and motivate repeat visits.


Gaining Loyal Customers with Direct Mail

Direct mail can also help with creating loyalty. Because while returning customers are great, it’s your superfans who purchase frequently and spread the word about your business.

Let’s say you own an apparel store. It would be important for you to showcase the latest styles and create a customer base that comes back each season. These loyal customers are valuable because nearly 80 percent of an organization’s revenue is generated by the top 20 percent of customers.

Mail can be a cost-efficient, effective and measurable way to keep in contact with your customers and grow your base of loyal customers. Create mail that makes them feel appreciated and rewards their loyalty.

Use these three ways to refine your loyalty mail:

  1. Assess available data to create the right messaging.
  2. Choose a motivating reward that targets your most passionate fans and inspires them to act.
  3. Integrate with existing marketing to guide customers to your website or social media to redeem offers, make purchases or sign up for your company’s newsletter.

That’s why building a loyalty program can drive sales and reward your biggest fans. A simple brochure can act as the perfect entry point: part content, part exclusive offer.

Show them what you have to offer and give them an incentive to become a loyal customer.

A URL can lead customers to your website where they can redeem the offer, join your program and-more than likely-make a few more purchases along the way.

Winning Back Customers with Direct Mail 

You know those customers that shopped once and then disappeared? You can win them back with direct mail.

For example, if you own a home decor store, you wouldn’t want to lose a customer’s business after they only purchased one item. Ideally, they would come back when decorating their entire home. Customers leave your business for a reason, so just letting them know about your new stock of picture frames won’t be enough.

Using direct mail to reach lapsed customers can be highly effective in grabbing customer attention, sending specific messages and reaching a highly targeted group of customers. To do this, you need to send a message that grabs customer attention, addresses the reason they left and then makes it easy for them to return.

Personalized messages that show you want to understand why they left can be very effective.

Including a Business Reply Card will motivate customers to respond to a short survey in exchange for a reward.

You can also ask about their shopping experiences and leverage this feedback to improve your business and better identify customer issues in the future. After gaining a better understanding of why your customer didn’t return, you can remind them of what they’re missing and then provide an incentive to win back their business.

In Conclusion

There are many tactics for converting the customers you have with direct mail. You can remind customers of their visits, offer loyalty incentives and gather the information you need to improve their experience. By using direct mail for retention, loyalty and win-back, you can inspire customers to continue coming back, again and again.



1.“Holiday Marketing Case Study: Boosting Flower Sales with Direct Mail.” USPS Delivers,


Small Business Startup and Marketing

Small Business Startup and Marketing

So what’s been happening at 77 lately? TONS! Recently at 77 Design Co, we have been working hard to help several small local businesses devise full scale marketing plans that are both cost effective for them, and entice new customers to their products. We will be promoting and marketing these businesses in the near future, so stay tuned! You WILL want to know about them!

These marketing plans cover the whole gamut of supporting and necessary needs for a business to get off the ground running. Some of the services in these plans include:

*web design (several hours per month of support)

*blogging (1-4 per month for the ever changing website)

*photography and video (several hours per month)

*graphic design (several hours of design support for new brochures/cards/logo/mailers)

*social media management (an agreed upon number of monthly posts with trainings included)

*SEO help (support and training for best practices)

The monthly marketing plans we’ve offered have been greeted thus far with open arms. They also cover a wide range of important marketing aspects that are usually purchased separately, which typically means more expense 💵 too. These programs cover it all and help our customers reach their customers as soon as they open their doors. We love to help small business thrive!

Give us a ring if you know a new business starting up.

Analyze. Create. Achieve.

A Recipe for the Taste of Success

Since my very first job working in radio almost 20 years ago, I have been helping businesses of all sizes sell more than ever. I want to share the recipe that I have been crafting for almost two decades.

This recipe (read as tips) can help any committed business owner achieve better sales. Take some time and read this. Study these. Maybe even take notes… If nothing else my hope is to offer you something useful or even to hear that you’ve put a few of these into practice. Here’s to growing your business.

Step #1: Forget what you already know about marketing and throw away that outdated marketing guide already. 

Marketing is a rapidly changing landscape. What worked 20 years ago probably doesn’t work as efficiently now as it did then. You can get our list of current marketing tips here.

Step #2: Find you Best Customer

Simply saying “we’re looking to target Adults 25-54” isn’t going to bring in your best customer.

If you dig a little further and find you’re really looking for women age 25-61 who make more than $60K+ per year, are in a management role, own a home, and like outdoor activities – you’re starting to get somewhere.

Be specific. Speak to that customer directly and they’ll come through the door.

Another few ideas for finding your best customer include:

  • Mine your existing customer list, and find commonalities.
  • Study Geography… Where are your customers? Where are their homes or offices?
  • Find your customer niches.

Step #3 Research Competitors

This is a crucial step in understanding your business. Without this knowledge it is virtually impossible to sell or market your services. You need to know what your competitors are offering in order to make your offer attractive to potential customers.

So many times we have seen and heard business owners say “No one offers what we do.” Or “No one offers service like ours.” The reality of this is that most of the service a business offers is pretty average when compared to their competitors.

The key TAKE AWAY here is to find out what you’re really up against and THEN BEAT IT by adding massive value.


• What did we do that made you buy from us vs. the competition?

• How can we improve our service to you?

• When buying XYZ what were your expectations?

Step #4: Network and Connect

One of the biggest myths in business is that you have to have a HUGE network. Really, you only need a few connections to begin with. This step is all about quality vs. quantity. It is the influence of the people within your network that helps and counts.

Make a list of the 15-20 (more if you like) most influential people in your market. This list can be high quality prospective clients or influential connectors. Influential connectors are the people who can recommend you to buyers of your product or service. Put a plan together to target these individuals and EARN their attention. This approach to networking takes time, so I suggest joining your local chamber, a networking group or a mastermind group to help build up clientele in the lean beginnings and also to help you prefect your networking skills.

Think about where your business would be today if you had worked this step when you started your business.

Step #5 Create Content Marketing

What is content marketing? You’re reading it right now. Content Marketing works.

DISCLAIMER: It works as long as you produce high quality, useful content!

You’ve probably heard the term “Content Marketing” before and you may or may not be familiar with it. Perhaps you’ve heard of it but still don’t know what it is, yet I’m going to imagine if you’re reading this you probably visit websites looking for content and information for your business on a regular basis.

When you visit sites with news, entertainment, google “how-to’s” or read blogs like this that offer business advice you are using content marketing. That is – a site that offers useful information to market itself. Content is king, and it can be used to market any type of business. Content marketing is unbeatable when it comes to attracting new clients, leads, referrals, and staying on top of existing clientele’s mind.

A Word of Advice: Don’t publish just to publish or try to automate the content creation process! The worst thing to do is to share irrelevant content or share content without an opinion on the material. The idea is to create a dialogue and convert the audience to paying customers. Both Google and Facebook now have algorithms that filter (and rank lower) material that is not relatable to the business. Posting content that has little or nothing to do with your business can REALLY HARM your chances of being found and read.

Here’s how to use content marketing:

  1. Create a website with a blog. 
  2. Publish FREE articles and video info that offers your best customer VALUE, while offering them the opportunity to purchase the goods or services you sell. The FREE Info should be closely related to the product or service you are selling!
  3. Publish a newsletter that goes to those that subscribe to your blog. 
  4. Use short but concise video tips as part of the blog.

People will find the info, use the ideas and share. Some, and I said SOME, NOT ALL of those people will convert and buy what you are selling. For example, you’re reading this right now and may decide to send me an email or give me a call to discuss your marketing endeavors.

You may be asking right now – “Wait… If you’re giving away all of this FREE advice won’t people just take your advice and do it themselves?”

Maybe… But I always explain to clients that there are a few types of people who will read or watch your content. They are:

The Freebie: These people never pay for professional help in anything they do. They don’t have a budget or a plan. They’re trying anything to get the phone to ring. One thing doesn’t work, they dismiss it as a bogus idea, and they’re on to the next. These people were never prospects.

The Doer: The Doer reads and/or watches your content. They will then try to implement your ideas and do it themselves. They’ll realize that the task at hand is much larger than they thought or they’re not getting the results that they thought they would, and then they contact you to get some insight. They hire your or buy your product or service because the recognize the value of your expert counsel.

The Valueist: The Valueist is the rarest of rare. Probably the holy grail of customer. These are the people who value their time, know their skillset, and recognize that by hiring a professional  the task at hand is accomplished correctly, less expensive, in better time, and the results/desired outcome are better.

Step #6 Create an Email Drip Campaign

Email is an extremely cost effective and powerful marketing tool available to business. The best way to start building your subscriber list, is to ask all your existing clients and contacts if you can have their email address. YOU MUST HAVE PERMISSION otherwise your email is classified as SPAM

Ask your customers if you can contact them from time to time via email with a newsletter with special offers and announcements. This will get you your initial list and give you something to get started with. So long as you ONLY contact these people with useful information, and make it easy for them to share your newsletter, your list will grow… in size and value.

Have an email sign-up box on your website or blog. This needs to be easy to read and positioned in an uncluttered area of your site, which everyone will see.

Be extremely cautious of “marketing experts”, who say you need to have pop-up boxes in order to get their reader’s attention. It simply shows they have no idea how to optimize their website.

Other Tips: 

  • Send one email message every 7-14 days
  • Let people know that you won’t share their info or sell it.
  • Ask readers to forward and share your tips and give a link so the shares can subscribe too!

A final thought on email, like creating content marketing, if you want to achieve the very best results possible, always invest in professional content creation. It can be the difference between a successful campaign and one that generates nothing!

Step #6A: Consider a Direct Mail Campaign

According to the Online Marketing Institute it takes the average Joe or Joan 7-13+ touches before a prospect turns into a customer. A direct mail campaign is an easy way to stay in front of your customers or prospects.

A mailer can be tied in with you prospect list or client list where you share capabilities, information about your business, sales, new products, or some of that fantastic content you created earlier.

Postcards, letters, self-mailers, or a combination of different mailer products are great ways to stay in front of your prospects and customers.


Identify Your Best Customer: Utilize your customer list, and/or fine tuned prospect list.

Plan the schedule: Print and send a post card every 2-4 weeks.

Develop a theme: You need a strong visual theme and content that is consistent so that the tactics and branding are recognizable.

Select what you want to mail: Post card, Self-Mailer, Letters are all great examples of direct mail pieces

Integrate Other Channels: Typically a mailing is followed a few days later by an email with a similar message and visuals; the cycle repeats until the campaign is complete.

Step #7: Internet marketing

Are you aware your website is a lead generating machine capable of 24/7 harnessing power to collect information on potential customers?

Your website can generate high quality enquiries, leads, phone calls and sales from interested prospective clients… so long as you do it right.

When a website is professionally designed and marketed, its power to attract is unstoppable. It’s like having a store on the busiest most traveled route in your town. Most small business websites are more like stores that are on an unused dirt road in the middle of nowhere. They are outdated and poorly marketed. Update the site – it could be so much more valuable to the business owner.

The investment required for a professional looking website or blog is minimal. Yes, you certainly can spend thousands on a website, however, for the vast majority of businesses there’s absolutely no need to spend that kind of money.You don’t need to spend a fortune, to have a successful, professional website or blog.

Another reason you need to take your website seriously, is that almost everyone now uses the Internet to “check out” a potential business. Before deciding whether to do business with a provider or not, most people will look for the business website! That includes the people YOU market your services to. So, what is your website “telling” them about your business?

Is it full of stock photos with little or nothing to do about your business? Is the content correct? Does it explain what you do and how you do it? Does it offer a call to action for prospects?

Your website is a unique part of your marketing in one really important respect: it alone has the power to either supercharge or kill the response rates of all your other marketing activities.

So, if you send a direct mail piece for example, be aware that the people that were interested in what you offered will visit your website before deciding to contact you (or not!)  This means the quality and content of your website has to encourage people to completely trust you and see you in a wholly professional light.

If your marketing hasn’t generated the response rates you hoped for, remember, the people who ‘were’ going to contact you visited your website first. A professional looking and optimized website is essential. It’s as simple as that.

Step #8: The Power of Curiosity

Every sales inquiry or new client inquiry you receive, has one thing in common – the prospective client or customer is curious, and they have an issue that they need professional help with. They want information, and they contact you to in order to find out how they can solve their problem. Here is your opportunity to convert them from an prospect, to a paying customer.

Instead of building curiosity, most small businesses do the opposite. Businesses lay out all of the info to the customer try to answer as many questions as possible. You will see lists, detailed information and FAQ’s. By doing this you reduce the need for a prospect to contact you. Yes, there should be basic information on what you do and sell, but anything you do beyond that is hurting your results.

Instead of bombarding your prospective clients with information, your marketing should pique their curiosity. It should inspire them to feel they need to call you, email you, or visit you.

So, review your current marketing and decide whether it’s building curiosity or eroding it. If you’re not building curiosity, you’re missing out on an extremely valuable marketing opportunity.

Step #9: Don’t Mistake Movement for Progress

This is really important. It’s all too easy to mistake movement for progress… activity for productivity. I have worked with business people over the years and found something amazing. The owners of under performing businesses always work just as hard, and sometimes even harder, than the owners of successful ones.

First impression is that this doesn’t make any sense.  Once we dig a little deeper we realize that the reason their hard work is getting them nowhere, is that they mistake movement for progress.

They’re working in the business and not on the business. 

In other words, they work hard and put in a huge number of hours, doing the wrong things!  For example: A contractor that wants to grow his business, yet refuses to hire help because he needs to be out there swinging a hammer is destined to remain in that situation. There’s only so many hours in a day or nails in a box. You are limited to what you can do by time. HIRE PEOPLE. Work on the business not in the business. Truly successful people will tell you that it requires a team of trusted individuals being trusted to do their respective jobs for your company to be successful.

Working 12 hour days incorrectly, yields worse results than working for 6 hours a day. They think that the harder they work, the more successful they will be. The reality is different. The reality is that rowing a boat with all your strength, in the wrong direction, will simply take you further and further away from where you want to be.

Work hard, sure. But make sure you’re working hard doing the right things, correctly.

Step #10: Hustle

The Interweb is jammed with people selling ideas. Some say that you can automate your way to success. They offer products, programs, webinars, seminars and services, which promise shortcuts to success. THIS IS NOT TRUE. These are tools to learn from not short-cuts. Success is made in the trenches and on the shores.

Their are 3 things you need to remember, when people offer you shortcuts to business success or wealth:

  1. They are seldom shortcuts.
  2. They never lead to success.
  3. You’re probably going to lose money.

The reality is that you can’t trick your way to the top. Success comes from hard work, making the right decisions, and progress. Success comes quickest, when you find the most direct, effective route from where you are to where you want to be.

If you want to be successful make a plan.

  • Decide what you want to achieve.
  • Put a strategy together, to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be.
  • Then work your strategy. Put in the effort. Invest the time required and reap the rewards.


If you find yourself working hard on your business and NOT getting the sales results you want, STOP! Re-read this list and see how you can improve what you’re doing or not doing. Stop working in the business and work on the business. Make sure you are doing the right things, and make sure you are doing them correctly.  If you aren’t already doing any of the marketing activities on this page – give them a try. Why? Because we already know they work extremely well.

Marketing Tips for 2018

1. Know your “why.” It is not enough to be (a bit) faster or less expensive than your competitors. Your potential clients want to know why your business is operating. People don’t buy what you do, they choose you on why you do it.

2. Know who your best customer is. Knowing you want to attract Adults 25-54 isn’t enough. Knowing that you want to attract females age 25-62 in management with an annual income of $60K+ that likes outdoor activities, lives in an urban area, and tends to use Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin is better.

Be Specific. The more specific you are the better results you can get.

3. Be consistent in your messaging and branding. People need to recognize you, no matter where they see you. Consistent high quality images that are used on social media channels, websites, email, and marketing materials.  Avoid stock images that don’t reflect your business. Finally, be sure all messaging has been spell-checked!

4. Use social media, but you don’t need to be on every platform. Just because there are lots of social media platforms, that doesn’t mean you have to do them all. Use the channels that your customer tends to use, and whittle that down by the one that brings you the most value.

5. Make sure you have a website, and update it often. In the information age, if your business doesn’t have a website you’re not even on radar. People will be searching for your service and products online, so make sure you’re there. People look at a business website and decide whether to engage with them based on their site. Typically after a Google search this is the first impression a potential customer gets about your business.

6. Don’t forget call-to-actions! At every single point that your customer makes contact in your marketing and sales efforts, there should be a call-to-action that leads back to your contact us page, a landing page, an opt-in form, and so on.

7. Blog. Give people a reason to keep coming back to your website. Blog and give them tips, case studies, your latest products– make sure you keep giving them a reason to visit you on the web.

8. Email marketing. Collect customer email addresses (with their permission), and email them about upcoming sales or events. You can even filter messages out to target specific customers who may buy one product but not another!

9. Build a referral network. Word of mouth is the most powerful type of advertising, so build relationships with professionals and other businesses you would happily refer your customers to and who can send referrals your way, as well.




How to Create a “DRIP” Marketing Campaign


In Business to Business or B2B marketing, where buying decisions can take some time (think weeks, months, or even longer,) multi-part direct marketing campaigns – sometimes called “drip” marketing – can be a powerful tactic.

Drip direct marketing is a carefully planned approach that deploys multiple mailings and messages in a series over a period of time. For B2B marketers looking to generate leads or nurture prospects during a long sell cycle, drip marketing is a smart marketing strategy.

Here’s why drip marketing works and how to create a drip direct marketing campaign.

The Advantages of Drip Marketing

Many B2B marketers use direct mail to produce inquiries from qualified prospects and create opportunities for sales representatives.

Drip marketing is a particularly effective lead generation technique. Repeating your core sales message over and over in an attention-getting drip campaign:

  • Captures the interest of prospects and engages them in your message;
  • Increases your brand recognition;
  • Educates prospects about your product or service;
  • Gives prospects several chances (and reasons) to say “yes;”
  • Gives sales representatives a reason to follow up.

A mailing series also offers you the opportunity to showcase specific products or services in each effort. Over the course of time, the campaign can deliver multiple sales messages that answer prospects’ questions and help overcome buying resistance.

The Steps of Creating a Drip Direct Marketing Campaign

1. Identify Your Prospects

A B2B drip marketing campaign requires a commitment of marketing and sales resources. To maximize the value of the campaign, I recommend targeting a carefully selected list of top prospects. It’s not uncommon to see a mailing list of less than 1,000 prospects. As a matter of fact we recommend a smaller list to keep things manageable so that follow up and tracking can be done with ease. The worst possible thing to do is to start a drip campaign and not follow up. That would be a waste of money, resources, and effort.

2. Plan the Schedule

Though there’s no set formula, I recommend the following guidelines when helping clients developing a drip direct marketing strategy:

  • A typical B2B drip campaign is a series of mailings approximately every two to four weeks. Mailings timed too close together can be delivered on top of each other, diluting their impact. Mailings sent more than four weeks apart can lose their punch; prospects begin to forget the sales messages from earlier mailings and may fail to notice the link between mailings.
  • Mailings usually total between four and six, with some sort of payoff in the final piece. For example, following a series of individual postcard mailings, the last mailing might combine all of them into one self-mailer so the prospect has the entire campaign – with all of its sales messages – in their hands.

3. Develop a Creative Theme and a Consistent Creative Approach

You need a strong creative theme with powerful visuals to link all the mailings and tactics together and build recognition. Prospects should know instantly that each mailing is from your company and that it’s related to the previous mailing.

Yet each promotion should have a distinctive message and be a new mailing in the series so prospects have a reason to open the mail and read it. And, of course, each mailing should contain a compelling offer and a strong call to action.

As prospects begin to recognize that you’re sending them a campaign series, their expectations may rise with each mailing. To keep them interested and engaged, your creative needs to keep the excitement high.

4. Select Your Formats

What should you mail?

  • A postcard campaign is a popular approach. Postcards are an affordable way to deliver short, focused messages.
  • Self-mailers work well, especially with dynamic graphics and multiple panels that open in unusual ways to reveal something interesting.
  • Highly personalized letters in a series can be effective, especially when targeting C-suite executives.
  • Another option is dimensional mail. A drip campaign made up entirely of dimensional mailings requires a very strong creative theme and related premiums; dimensional mail creates high expectations on the prospect’s part as they anticipate what’s in the box.

I often recommend combining a postcard or self-mailer series with a final dimensional mailing using the same creative theme, to end with a bang and deliver a premium or prize with a compelling final offer.

5. Integrate Other Channels into the Campaign

Marketers today are integrating emails with similar messaging into the direct marketing plan. Adding email boosts response because it’s an effective reminder of the mailing and it enables the prospect to click immediately to the offer. Typically mailing one is followed a few days later by email one with a similar message and visuals; the cycle repeats until the campaign is complete.

Smart direct marketers also driving response to their websites where customized landing pages and content support the campaign and encourage prospects to act. The most recent drip campaign we developed included social media; prospects received incentives to get prospects to follow the client on social media and post about the company on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

5 Tips for Success

If you’re ready to add a drip direct marketing campaign to your marketing strategy, follow these tips:

  1. Plan all campaign tactics at the outset. You’ll save money on print production and you’ll be much more likely to execute your plan.
  2. Track response for each initiative separately to see which messages or tactics caused prospects to act.
  3. Plan the fulfillment process and the sales team’s involvement up front. Be sure reps know about the campaign and its exact timing, and that they get response data in a timely manner to close the loop with the prospect.
  4. Consider a drip campaign to B2B influencers, such as CFOs or CIOs, rather than to end-users who may already understand your product or service and know your company.
  5. Time the campaign to capitalize on other marketing activities and opportunities, such as an upcoming trade show. Carry the campaign’s creative theme into ads, your booth, collateral, and your website to build recognition and deliver a consistent, memorable message.

The Most Important Factor: The Mailing List

I often tell my clients that the most common marketing mistake is wasting valuable marketing resources promoting your product or service to people who will never buy from you. This is especially true with drip direct marketing.

It’s absolutely essential to follow the most iron-clad rule of effective direct marketing: Target your mail to the right prospects with an accurate list. If necessary, call to verify recipient names and titles before you mail, especially if you’re selling a very high-end or complex product or service to executive decision-makers.

Marketing is an Asset NOT an Expense

Stop it. Just stop! Marketing is not an expense. I know you’ve heard it before, but pay attention. Marketing is not an expense. I’ll say it again. MARKETING IS NOT AN EXPENSE.

Do you want to grow? Do you want your business to flourish? Why aren’t you telling people about the services you offer or the goods you sell? I know. I know… “I don’t have the money to invest.. “ “Sales are slow.” “We can’t do it right now.” EXCUSES! Stop it!

I met with some bankers the other day and we were talking small business over lunch. Their bank specializes in loans for small business that do less than $250k per year in sales. One of the things we talked about is how small business owners tend to look more at the now than the later.

Joe Small Business Owner wants a jet ski. Joe sells some services and buys the jet ski. Nothing wrong with that, but what if Joe reinvested that profit into marketing and waited a year, or six months to buy the jet ski? Where would his business be in that time with a strategic plan? A marketing effort? How much would he grow?

I know, again… “We’ve tried marketing. It didn’t work.” “Word of mouth is the only way.” I’m calling bullshit here. You met with some sales person who sold you some radio ads, or some online package for $2500 that never changed. It didn’t engage. The sales person never checked back in. They took your money and ran some ads, or did some “marketing.” Maybe you got one or two sales from it, maybe more… But it didn’t live up to your expectations.

Here’s where it went wrong. That sales person didn’t listen. They didn’t even ask questions, or the right ones! They didn’t look at, and I mean really look at your business. They didn’t analyze your pain points, they didn’t examine your best customer. They didn’t take the time to understand where you are and where you want to go. They came in filled out some paper work, had you sign on the dotted line, left with a check and said “Boom, now you’re marketing. Good Luck.”

At best this is a C- strategy. Why not try for an A?

Marketing is one of the most important things a business can do. Not only does it help to bring awareness, it builds sales, reputation, engages customers, and grows the business, but it also helps to stem so much including company culture.

Here are key reasons why it is essential to market your business in today’s modern marketplace:

It Grows – Marketing helps a business get on solid footing, and thus provides a basis for growth. While you should always maintain and develop your current customer base following the 80/20 rule, a continual drip campaign keeps you in front of your existing clientele and keeps you top of mind with them.

Marketing also allows you to reach new and potential customers that are in search of solutions to their issues.

It Sells –  Marketing helps to sell more products, solutions or services. The bottom line of any business is to make money and marketing is an essential channel to reach that end goal. Without marketing businesses wouldn’t exist because marketing is ultimately what drives sales. You have a good product but if people don’t know about you then how will you generate sales? Put simply: You can’t. Businesses need to content (social media posts, brochures, signage, imagery, etc) to bring customers in and lead them to a purchase. Marketing helps sales and sales help your business.

It Engages –  Customer engagement is key to any successful business, big or small.  Marketing provides a way to keep a conversation going. It provides a constant drip to keep you in the minds of your existing and potential customers. Consumers want to be engaged and will seek out reviews, social media posts and Google reviews. This is where marketing comes in, and whatever the medium, you can send your customers relevant content that is in-line with your brand to keep them engaged. Your audience wants to form a relationship with your brand, and marketing can do that.

It informs: On a base level, marketing is useful for customer education. When you are going about your day you’re not actively seeking out a 4,000 word blog or searching for a sales pitch on facebook. You happen upon something that piques your interest and you head down the rabbit hole. Next thing you know you’re considering a purchase.

And while you Mr./Mrs./Miss Business Owner know the ins-and-outs of your product, do your consumers? In order to buy into a product, your audience needs to have an understanding of what it does and how it works, and more importantly WHY they need it!

Marketing is the most effective way to communicate your value proposition to your customers in a fun and interesting way. If consumer education is on your priority list then marketing should be too. We call this Edutainment, and is one of our key philosophies to a successful campaign.

It’s equalized: Modern marketing is a less expensive game than ever before. Social media platforms, direct mail, geo-fencing, target marketing and email campaigns have made touching consumers a much more finance-friendly possibility. Utilizing these vehicles can help even the playing field when it comes to competing against big name competitors. Modern consumers value experience over pricing, so this kind of one-on-one interaction could push customers in your direction over bigger brands.

It sustains: Marketing is meant to build and sustain a company’s presence – not remedy a lack of engagement. In this sense, marketing is something that businesses need to create and manage every day to maintain a healthy relationship with their consumers. Marketing is important because it allows businesses to maintain long-lasting and ever-present relationships with their audience. It is not a one-time fix, it is an ongoing strategy that helps businesses flourish.