Interview-Paul Nickoloff, Fotorecord Print Center. Fotorecord Print Center is located in Greensburg, PA. Paul has owned and operated Fotorecord since 1994. They offer print and direct mail services as well as alternate digital marketing campaigns.

Question 1:
77 Design Co: How many employees do you have? Have you had to do any layoffs during this COVID-19 mess?
Paul Nickoloff: So, I’ve got twenty employees. Nope, no layoffs. However, I am running modified schedules. They aren’t working forty hours, but are working fifteen hours a week instead. I’m hoping that doesn’t last long.
Question 2:
77: What impact have the COVID-19 shutdowns had on your business?
PN: I’d say 85% of our clients are closed. This hit us in our second busiest time of the year. We do a lot of work with colleges, nonprofits, and everything in between. With everything being closed it’s impacted us greatly. Likewise the cancellations of spring appeals and fundraising events pretty much killed us.
Question 3:
77: So, much like us (77 Design Co) Fotorecord is in the promotional and marketing sector. Consequently, we’ve already seen the damage done, and continue to spread the word of how important it is to stay in front of your customers through this. What advice can you give other business owners to get through this?
PN: Run promotions to raise awareness about your business’s reopening. Running a direct mail program to let customers know about reopening dates can definitely help. Get started on them now, and we’ll only have to add a date and get the pieces printed. Then we can quickly send them out. Plan ahead.
Question 4:
77: What is your biggest selling product? Likewise, have you seen changes in sales with this product?
PN: Our biggest is production printing. Also, our second biggest product is direct mail. Both make up a large part of our business.

Question 5:
77: Is Fotorecord currently offering any sales or discounts to impacted businesses?
PN: Yea, there’s a ton on our website. Our “We’re Back Open” campaign can help clients save on their printing costs. We also have a business revival package and other discounts online.
Question 6:
77: We always try to end on a positive note. Therefore, has anything been good either personally or professionally through all of this?
PN: As a result of things being slow, I’ve been able to reconnect with clients more. We are working to develop new opportunities on the horizon. This time has made me a better salesperson also. Interesting things should come from all this. What I also expect out of this is building better relationships with clients and uncovering different new opportunities. Likewise, it seems everyone is working together as much as possible.
77: What would you like to add?
PN: I can’t wait to go to a restaurant! Above all I’ll also say let’s all just keep looking ahead. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone at a bar or restaurant soon.

This Interview-Paul Nickoloff Fotorecord comes from both a professional and personal standpoint. 77 Design Co owner, Rob Hoffman has considered Paul a good friend and mentor for many years. Moreover, Rob also considers Paul to be one of the most legitimately honest and straight forward people he knows in business. If you are in need of print marketing materials, give Paul or his staff a call. Finally, check out more about Fotorecord Print Center here:

77 Design Co. is committed to helping small business succeed. We want to keep their doors open, and keep roofs over their family’s heads. Keeping your business alive during this mess is crucial.
Finally, contact us if you own a business, or know of a business owner that needs marketing help. We are volunteering work at heavily discounted rates (or in some instances free) to keep business stable in our county and local area. Any way we can help, we will.
Additionally, here’s our services:

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