Interview-Barry Landsperger of Comprehensive Assurance. Comprehensive Assurance is a Monroeville based health insurance agency. Here is their contact info: or 412-825-6000.
Due to the Covid-19 virus, health is at the top of everyone’s minds these days. Barry gives us a peek into what is happening in the health insurance industry during the current crisis. Below is our interview-Barry Landsperger of Comprehensive Assurance.

Question 1:
77 Design Co: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the health insurance industry?
Barry Landsperger: So, from a health insurance standpoint, most carriers including UPMC and Highmark have agreed to pick up all cost sharing for testing and in patient treatment for Covid-19. Therefore, customers of theirs that aren’t getting tested because they believe they can’t afford it, can rest assured that they can get tests done.
Question 2:
77: We are pretty sure you are getting swamped with calls/emails right now. What is the most common question you’re getting?
BL: Yes, swamped! Probably most calls are from those that are laid off. Individuals that are laid off worry about losing their health insurance. Consequently, there ARE options available for them. These options vary upon the individual.

Question 3:
77: What do you suggest for those without health insurance right now?
BL: I suggest they contact an independent health insurance professional. Call someone like myself, or one of our competitors. That is to say, our services are free and we can explain all of their options. To clarify, some plans are inexpensive and usually quite affordable. Some have better coverage available that they may not have had previously.
Question 4:
77: Are rates for health insurance changing during this pandemic?
BL: No. Rates are already locked in. I’ll pass along a little known fact. Rates are actually regulated by the state.
Question 5:
77: Can you tell us something good from all this, either professionally or personally?
BL: Personally, I get to be home more with the family! That’s good right there.
On the other hand, professionally, our current system is flawed. It doesn’t help every American. We’ll need to look over all of this to better the system afterwards. Some good may come of it. As a result, that should help in the long run so everyone has access to affordable coverage.
Admittedly, <laughs> I am also an insurance nerd! So, this has given me time to look over things to better serve our clients. I’ve also been reading things about how we can better the system as a whole.
77: Anything you’d like to add?
BL: Yep. I’d like to say that I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! I will also say, that we are all very lucky to live in western PA. UPMC and AHN are world class organizations right here in our area!

Thanks for the interview and insight into the health insurance industry, Barry! A lengthy discussion occurred after the interview about a great many things happening in the world. We will not discuss those details here. However, we do want to say thanks for your (always) honest and genuine opinions on these matters. Two things you can always count on when talking with Barry.
77 Design Co. is committed to helping small business succeed. We want to keep their doors open, and keep roofs over their family’s heads. Keeping your business alive during this mess is crucial.
Finally, contact us if you own a business, or know of a business owner that needs marketing help. We are volunteering work at heavily discounted rates (or in some instances free) to keep business stable in our county and local area. Any way we can help, we will.
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