Interview-Attorney William J. McCabe. Bill is a criminal defense and personal injury lawyer. Dr. McCabe has been practicing law for 40 years. This year marks his 40th year. Congrats to him! Quite an achievement.
His firm, DeBernardo, Antoniono, McCabe & Davis, P.C. is located in Greensburg, Pa. The firm was founded in the late 1960’s. Dr. McCabe has been with them since 1986.

The law is something of great interest to us here at 77 Design Co. We rarely make a move without double checking first with one of our trusted attorney friends. Above all, we’d never want to do something wrong or illegal. Having the legal guidance and answers to what you can and you can’t do are critical in all aspects of life and business. Without law and great attorneys practicing law, our society would be lawless like the Old West, or worse, Nazi Germany.
In addition, you always want to protect yourself, your family, and organizations you are involved with. Thanks to Dr. McCabe for taking a few minutes to discuss some very serious matters with us. We certainly had substantial interest in what Dr. McCabe had to say regarding law during this coronavirus situation in our, Interview-Attorney William J. McCabe.

Question 1:
77 Design Co: How has this COVID-19 stuff impacted your business?
Attorney William J. McCabe: So, it’s been impacted in two ways. Firstly, courts are closed. Therefore, all court proceedings that were scheduled are now rescheduled. It’s going to be crazy when they open back up. Additionally, throw in the social distancing and it will greatly impact the courts and cases.
Secondly is our office. We have been closed and a few have been laid off. They are back to work now though. So, we are also trying to avoid face to face meetings. Further, it completely changes the dynamics of how a law office works. We’ll have to see how this impacts the law profession in general.
Question 2:
77: Let’s talk criminal defense law and the Constitution here. What’s happening with these state orders? Are we, as citizens, at risk of being fined, detained, or worse…jailed, for leaving home or working under these orders?
Dr. M: I think anyone who violates the Governor’s Order or Department of Health is at risk for a violation. There’s a statute called the “Administrative Code of 1929” that they are using. There’s a link on the Governor’s website. A violation conviction can be not less than ten dollars, and not more than fifty dollars, plus court costs. If you are unable to pay you may be jailed for thirty days.
Additionally, there’s the “Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955” for quarantines and isolation. This is a summary case and can carry a fine, if convicted, of no less than twenty-five dollars, and no more than three hundred dollars.
However, I’d say there are other things a Governor can do also like restrict certain licenses. We’ll see how this plays out. Some are enforcing, some are not.

Question 3:
77: What should someone do if they are pulled over and questioned? To clarify, what’s your advice on this?
Dr. M: Well it’s the same as usual. Above all, cooperate with the police. Be respectful. I don’t think the police are going to debate you as to why they pulled you over. For example, just turn over your documents and answer the general questions. Just identify yourself and be courteous. Certainly, if you feel you’ve run into trouble contact an attorney.
Question 4:
77: We believe this may be the most important time in our lives to know our rights in detail. So, can you elaborate a little about our Constitutional Rights and what we can or can’t do during all of this?
Dr. M: Life hasn’t changed except these orders now say shelter in place. Executive Orders are a matter of law now. Consequently the highest courts in the land have ruled these orders are not unconstitutional. In short, as long as people obey them we’ll be fine. But, the problem is enforcement. We’ll see if they are enforced. There’s a lot of gray areas in all of this too.
Question 5:
77: Is there any peace of mind you can give anyone reading about the above topics?
Dr. M: Personally, I think the vast majority of people have the best interests in mind for everyone. You have to have faith in people. Eventually we’ll get through this.
Also, I’d like to add, a big benefit to workers. For a worker to be protected, the refusal to work must be based on a legitimate concern due to a pre-existing health problem which places them at risk if infected by the Covid-19, not just because they are afraid generally of the Covid-19 virus.
Question 6:
77: What other types of law do you practice?
Dr. M: Criminal defense law. Personal injury law. As I get older, I’m doing more estate administration too.

Final Question:
77: We always finish these interviews on a positive note. For instance, do you have anything positive to add that you’ve noticed through all of this?
Dr. M: I think from a professional standpoint, as a result of this, we’ve learned we can operate remotely and effectively. It will change how we do business. Instead of driving seventy miles to a meeting, we can Zoom.
Personally, I’m amazed at our caregivers and medical professionals in hospitals. I see selfless people who care for others with the virus. It’s astonishing to see. What would we do without them?

Dr. McCabe can be reached through his firms website here:
A word from 77:
We appreciate Dr. McCabe taking the time to discuss these important issues with us. This Interview-Attorney William J. McCabe sheds some light on criminal defense law. Many people wonder what the legalities are of what is happening within our state and country. Some are scared or worried. Some are unbothered. Yet others are vigilant or even defiant.
Even more, Dr. McCabe admits there are some areas of law within all of this that are not yet completely clear cut. We will all have to wait and see how this shakes out. Subsequently, our courtrooms will likely be full of cases once they reopen. Thanks again for the Interview-Attorney William J. McCabe!
During this crisis, 77 Design Co has been on a mission to get as many perspectives from local business owners as possible. Likewise if you know of a business owner in the area that would like to be interviewed about their business or industry, have them contact us. We’ll certainly carve out a time to talk with them.
77 Design Co. is committed to helping small business succeed. We want to help keep their doors open, and keep roofs over their family’s heads. Keeping your business alive during this mess is crucial.
Finally, contact us if you own a business, or know of a business owner that needs marketing help. We are volunteering work at heavily discounted rates (or in some instances free) to keep business stable in our county and local area. Any way we can help, we will.
Additionally, here’s our services: