What is the perfect image for your business?
Tough question to answer but a very relevant question as well. If you had to hand your perfect customer the perfect marketing material, that would make or break a huge deal, what would this look like? Would it include a small series of photographs, one product shot, a team photo, just a logo, or perhaps an animated design? Creative commercial photography and graphic design can help, but it also takes some outside the box thinking.
Think about this a bit and understand just how important this could be to your business. Many business owners with little or no experience in the creative field could really struggle with this particular question, and it’s not an easy question to answer for even the most experienced creatives. We aren’t saying that we have the answer, what we are saying is that this is a thought provoking question that needs to be taken seriously.
Visuals make all the difference in catching a customers’ attention. We’ve talked about this in length before but this is an important topic for entrepreneurs to fully understand it’s value. The image included as an example below is one photograph that we feel aptly encompasses our business. Maybe we are right, maybe we are wrong, but one undeniable thing is that we are in the business of offering DAMN GOOD ADVICE so we feel it works well with our message.
Psychologically, many people are more likely to continue scrolling through a website, social media page/post, or drifting their eyes across your handouts when high quality images that are relatable to your business are included. There’s countless advertising and marketing studies that you can research on your own that will back up this claim. Go look, and better your business!
For any help brainstorming and creating ideas that will better bring attention to your brand, give us a call or drop us an email/message. We’ll be glad to give you some Damn Good Advice. We love what we do and we love to help businesses flourish!
Analyze. Create. Achieve.